Your gums may suffer from dental diseases, poor oral hygiene, malocclusion, or natural changes such as gingival recession.
As a result, the tooth’s root may become exposed, which can cause pain, especially when exposed to cold, and can cause psychological discomfort. This condition also increases the risk of root decay and premature teeth loss.
VK Smile Studio dental clinic in Antalya, Turkey, offers gingival plastic surgery, which helps restore the contour of the gingiva and extend the life of your teeth.
Gum Graft Procedure Meaning
Gum grafting in Antalya, Turkey, is a dental procedure that allows you to change gingiva structure and shape for both medical and aesthetic purposes.
This dental operation can remove excess gum tissue and add missing tissue, solving a wide range of gingiva problems. It can be performed on one or several teeth, as well as on the entire row of teeth, on the upper and lower jaws.
Healthy gingiva consists of two parts: fixed (attached to the teeth and bone) and mobile. Normally, the gingiva fits tightly to the teeth and does not bleed. They are pale pink.
However, some oral diseases can lead to gingival recession, exposing the roots of the teeth. This not only spoils the appearance but also increases the risk of caries.
Gum Graft Treatment Cost in Antalya, Turkey
The cost of a gingiva procedure depends on the complexity and extent of the dental procedures required.
The most common dental method is a connective tissue procedure, which is the most affordable. More expensive options include a gum flap graft and a lateral graft.
In comparison, the average cost of a gum graft in the UK is between £750 and £1200 per tooth.
The cost of a gum graft treatment in Turkey can be significantly lower, between £100 to £350.
Gum Graft Procedure Indications in Turkey
Gingiva plastic dental procedure at VK Smile Studio in Antalya, which involves the augmentation or removal of soft tissue, can be performed for dental and cosmetic reasons.
Cosmetic indications for gingiva plastic surgery are the following:
- gingival recession (gingiva receding, exposing the roots of the teeth);
- uneven gingiva line;
- wedge-shaped defects of tissues and teeth;
- excess soft tissue (hypertrophy);
- correction after prosthetics, injuries and surgeries.
Dental indications for gingiva plastic surgery are the following:
- deep pockets between the gingiva and tooth;
- gingival diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis and others);
- plastic surgery before installing implants;
- improving the structure of the periodontium;
- correction after tooth extraction;
- bite correction;
- wisdom teeth eruption.
How Is Gum Graft Performed in Turkey?
Gingival recession dental procedure begins with a consultation with a dental surgeon. After examining and collecting the patient’s medical history, the surgeon determines the dental treatment plan.
The dental procedure at the VK Smile Studio clinic includes the following stages:
- preparation (the gums are cleaned of infection and treated with antiseptics);
- anaesthesia (the surgeon administers local anaesthesia);
- surgery (the surgeon removes excess tissue, builds up the missing tissue or moves it to the desired area);
- completion (sutures are applied, and the gingiva are treated with antiseptics).
In some cases, the surgeon may need to transplant tissue from the donor area.
Gum Grafting Procedure Types in Turkey
Before the gingiva dental surgery at VK Smile Studio in Antalya, the patient receives safe and effective anaesthesia from an experienced anaesthesiologist.
Free Gum Graft
This dental method is used when the patient’s gums are thin. The dentist makes an incision in the gingiva to create space for the graft. A small flap of tissue (2-3 mm) is taken from the roof of the mouth, where the mucous membrane is thicker. This flap is then carefully sutured to the gingiva to close the hole.
Connective Tissue Transplantation
The dental surgeon takes a thin layer of connective tissue from under the mucous membrane of the palate, which has a good blood supply. This layer of tissue is then sewn to the gingiva and treated with special solutions to speed up healing and tissue regeneration.
Rotated Flap Transplantation
This dental method is used when the patient has enough gingival tissue next to the tooth that needs treatment. The surgeon takes a piece of gingiva from the adjacent area and carefully moves it to the exposed tooth root. After the dental surgery, this flap will protect the tooth root and prevent further gingival recession.
Gum Graft Treatment Benefits
Gingival plastic dental surgery not only improves the smile’s aesthetics but also protects teeth from sensitivity to cold, hot, sour and salty.
In the case of dental implantation, gingiva plastic surgery strengthens the implant, protecting it from bacteria and improving the blood supply to the bone. This contributes to the implant durability.
At VK Smile Studio clinic, gingival plastic surgery also helps improve the aesthetics of the smile in case of uneven teeth.
What to Do After Gum Graft in Turkey?
The gum plastic surgery includes anaesthesia, disinfection, work with the gingiva, cleaning teeth plaque (if necessary), suturing and other necessary actions.
To speed up healing, patients are recommended to:
- carefully monitor oral hygiene;
- eliminate hard, hot, cold, spicy, sour foods from the diet;
- avoid physical activity;
- use disinfectant solutions as prescribed by the doctor;
- wear protective devices for the gingiva (if necessary).
You will not experience pain due to local anaesthesia or sedation. After the surgery, discomfort, bleeding and swelling are possible for ten days.
Gum grafting attaches healthy tissue to the roots of teeth, and if successful, the effects last a lifetime. However, like your own teeth, grafted tissue can be susceptible to infection.
Possible complications
- include:
- infection;
- bleeding;
- rejection of transplanted tissue.
Gingiva procedure can be done even if there is a severe infection. However, in this case, more complex treatment will be required.
In the first 2-3 days after surgery, it is recommended to speak as little as possible to avoid tension in the mouth muscles and bleeding.
Approximately 5-10 days after surgery, when the tissues have healed, you can return to your normal diet.